Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

We believe that a socially responsible attitude to the local community is a vital part of business and a rewarding opportunity to support worthwhile causes. Support is not always financial – often the giving of our time and expertise is more valuable. Specifically, Adfield supports projects that help the local community and currently we work with:

The Beckbury Show

A not-for-profit event, the Beckbury Show is a country show based in our home village in Shropshire. From humble beginnings as a produce show aiming to raise money for a pensioners’ Christmas lunch, the Beckbury Show has grown to become one of the top events in Shropshire, attracting an audience of several thousand for a low-cost family fun day out. Run entirely by volunteers, the show has been a huge community success, raising and donating over £70,000 to support local good causes and projects. Adfield is one of the key sponsors of the event as well as providing marketing and operational support.

The Heart of Weston

A community-based charity, The Heart of Weston was founded after the tragic loss of two brothers Chris and Steve Phillips, aged only 28 and 29 respectively, from Sudden Adult Death syndrome. The charity aims to support the village they both grew up in and thought so much of, by maintaining a defibrillator situated at Weston Village Hall, providing heart screening for 14 to 35-year-olds (12 young people die of a cardiac arrest in the UK every week), providing ECGs for adults and providing general first-aid training for adults and children. Adfield supports the charity with design services and resource where needed.

In addition, Adfield encourages and supports its staff in a variety of personal fundraising causes.

Can we help?